PureAcaiBerry TriactolPerformer5




酸角 常绿乔木,高6-20m。树皮暗灰色,成不规则裂开。偶数羽状复叶,互生;叶柄短而粗壮;小叶14-40,叶片长圆形,长1-2.4cm,宽4-9mm,先端钝或微凹,基部近圆形,偏斜,两面无毛,全缘。花为腋生的总状花序或顶生的圆锥花序;萼筒陀螺形,裂片4,披针形;花冠黄色有紫红色条纹,上面3枚花瓣发达,下面2枚退化成鳞片状;雄蕊3,花丝中部以下合生,有3-5刺毛状退化雄蕊;子房有柄,胚珠多数。荚果肥厚肉质,圆筒形,直或微弯,灰褐色,长3-6cm,宽约2cm,果实熟时红棕色,味酸。种子3-10颗,近长方形,红褐色,有光泽。花期5-8月,果期7-12月至翌年5月。



My friends call me, Ong the Hyena, 'cos I am not the adorable one, I laugh like Hyena, and reserve the right to have the last laugh. I am capable of being unreasonably reasonable and reasonably unreasonable at the same time. I believe my mere present in the virtual world can even make some politicians sweat and wet. Like all other hyenas, which individual hyenas spend much of their time alone or in small groups, ..... But the day we go out hunting, I guarantee you that I will not be alone. Even lions have to give way, when me and my gangs out to divide and conquer the world. 劝君莫虑无知音,自有同心合德人。只管中流作磔柱,何愁孤树不成林。时来自有风云会,运转岂无龙虎吟。好个霾消天气朗,一轮红日照乾坤。 http://yidaoguan.blogspot.com 是我揭开《内经》遗失两千多年之谜的努力,以还它历史的本来面目,

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