PureAcaiBerry TriactolPerformer5



参宿是西方白虎七宿中的第七宿。 它也是西方星座中的獵戶座。《石氏星經》:「參七星,兩肩雙足三為心。」參宿一、二、三構成獵戶的腰帶,參宿四、五為獵戶的右左肩, 參宿六、 參宿七 為獵戶的雙足, 其中 參宿四 是顆著名的 紅巨星 。 依據《晉書‧天文志》的記載 參宿七星 也代表 將軍 :左右肩為左右將軍、兩足為前和偏將軍、中三星為大將軍以及兩名參謀。
十二月二十二日北斗七星斗柄指向下方,即子宫,也就是正北方向, 这一天就是冬至,丑宫, 太阳到达黄经270°,在天空的南极,日影最长,阴气到了极限,阳气开始萌动,这一天北半球白天最短,黑夜最长,并开始进入数九寒天



My friends call me, Ong the Hyena, 'cos I am not the adorable one, I laugh like Hyena, and reserve the right to have the last laugh. I am capable of being unreasonably reasonable and reasonably unreasonable at the same time. I believe my mere present in the virtual world can even make some politicians sweat and wet. Like all other hyenas, which individual hyenas spend much of their time alone or in small groups, ..... But the day we go out hunting, I guarantee you that I will not be alone. Even lions have to give way, when me and my gangs out to divide and conquer the world. 劝君莫虑无知音,自有同心合德人。只管中流作磔柱,何愁孤树不成林。时来自有风云会,运转岂无龙虎吟。好个霾消天气朗,一轮红日照乾坤。 http://yidaoguan.blogspot.com 是我揭开《内经》遗失两千多年之谜的努力,以还它历史的本来面目,

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